Thursday 25 February 2016

30/31 Event ~ Press Release

I am honored to be invited as a blogger to the 30/31 Event by the founder of Windlight Magazine. Ever since, Sensuous Maximus suggested to write about artists in The Torch:Entertainment Guide, Biance Xavorin' interview paved my way to meet many more wonderful artists; where each art expresses something of its own. The journey continues.

Artists and creators are invited to the bi-monthly event managed and run by Windlight Magazine to promote 2D, 3D, and decorative arts and to introduce people to the amazing artists of Second life. The goal is to bring people to you!


-Each artist and/or creator will participate at least ever other round as part of a rotation and will place a new piece of art work at the front of their gallery or mainstore location

-Rounds begin on the end of every two months (either the 30th or 31st at 12pm slt)

-Currently we will not have themes for each round. This may change in the future

-Artwork and decorative art pieces can be new or previous releases but most have either a 30th or 31 in the price. (Example say the round begins on the 30th, then an example item will be 230Ls or if the round begins on the 31st the item would be 231L’s)

-You can participate each month

-Participation is free!


-Artwork can be 2D 3D or decorative arts

-Items must have a 30 or 31 in the price depending on the date of the month of each round.

-All items must be your original creation or you must have the explicit right to sell the items you will have in each round

-All items must follow the Second Life TOS and Community Standards

-All items must be of your own Intellectual Property

-If you miss two rounds in a row then you will no longer be allowed to participate in the event.

-You must display our sign besides the item you will enter in the event.

The first round begins on March 31st, 2016.

If interested please fill the following application:
Artist or Designer Application
Blogger Application

Johannes1977 Resident,
Owner & Publisher of Windlight Magazine
30/31 Event Coordinator

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